Final Audio Story

For this project I have decided to create an audio story revolving around the concept of fashion- as many may take for granted the effects fashion imposes on humans. I had previously decided to ask two of my close friends and myself the question, “What about fashion attracts you and how has it influenced you?”, but for my final draft i decided to add a fourth person to it.

I made sure to prepare for this assignment by listening to my favorite podcast by confidence coach- Isabel Palacios. I was analyzing the way she spoke and how she was able to thoroughly explain her concepts in her podcast without derailing the listeners away. I wanted to create something uplifting and inspiring.

The elements in my audio include two of the people whom I believe have exceptional style and had them describe what fashion meant to them. I compiled all of our responses in my audio and made sure to include three recordings in the multi-track session and a fourth one being the chimes we were freely able to use and download from the tutorials before to provide an intro and outro to the audio story. I made sure to cut bits and pieces of the recordings where the speakers would usually get off track or simply had empty space in the recording. I also was able to adjust the volume and pan of the voices on the track by adjusting it to level 5.0. I decided to add an effect to our voices so they could sound focused without having an echo or noise surrounding it. I was facing lots of technical challenges as I am very slow with computer software.

One of the major problems I was facing was converting my recordings from being offline to online. I had no idea what that meant, and my recordings were not playing, so I was freaking out. Luckily, I googled it and was able to solve it. Once again used “chime 1” and “chime 2” from our previous audition tutorials in my audio story.

After reviewing my classmate’s feedback on my audio story, I agreed on similar aspects and made sure to correct them. My peers suggested that I add a fourth person to my audio story to simply make it a bit heavier in content, which I did by adding my roommate onto it as well. I also made sure to fade the interview voices to add a transition from each person’s voice. It made the story more cohesive and “blended.” I also made sure to get rid of those extra-long pauses in between. Lastly, I decide to summarize the interview towards the end of the interview. I shared a story to make it more personal and relatable. It is a conclusion of my overall findings and beliefs of my “research” question. I am beyond satisfied with the final result and thankful for the useful feedback that my peers provided me with.

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