Final Video Story

For this video I wanted to create some type of storyline to showcase my personal journey in life of how I was able to become more self accepting. I learned to love myself thanks to fashion, family and friends. I was nervous, but excited to show and create a video that was so will visually display how I was in the past- overweight and unhappy with life.

This video is relevant to my fashion blog for many reasons. I am constantly saying how fashion is a form of self-confidence and discovery that can make one feel better about themselves. This video is a process of how fashion, family and friends all combined helped improve my life.

I have seen various videos for example on Twitter, of people making videos of their life transformations, whether that be with weight or their journey on battling a mental illness or experience. I drew inspiration from this and began analyzing those videos and how quickly the pics and videos would be displayed throughout it. I included various pictures at the beginning of the video to show myself when I was going through a tough time and just how much it was all affecting me, later there are other images of me appearing a lot more confident and happy overall and I speak about my personal journey and how i got to the point I am now as well.

I collected various gifs, videos and pictures from my own I phone, so I could access it a lot easier by using airdrop. I used the razor to help minimize unneeded audio. I also used the fade in and out effects to make the video flow a bit better with the song I included. Some challenges I faced were organizing my clips of video footage. It was a frustrating process of getting the pictures in the right order. The only solution I had was to be patient and dedicate time to it, I had to look through each video and label them so I would not get as confused anymore.

The materials I used were pictures and dies from my iPhone of me and my friends. The videos and pictures of them were all included with their consent. As far as the song I used in the background, I had acquired it through SoundCloud, and it had its creative common license.

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