The Broly Bar (L7 Personal Project)

Sunday, April 25, 2021 I have decided to create my last personal project on a logo for a future chocolate brand I wish to create. I have chosen to name the business after my Shih-tzu dog- Broly. I have created a brand logo containing my dear dog’s name- something personal and close to home. IContinue reading “The Broly Bar (L7 Personal Project)”


Evil Genius On a cold, chilly night, I was scrolling through netflix with my younger sibling on our couch trying to find something appealing as our parents had left to Seattle for the weekend. I came upon the cover art of a movie with a lady whose face was covered in wrinkles and a leftContinue reading “BLOG POST 7: LEARNING FROM DOCUMENTARIES”

Blog Post #6- Analyze Experiences

It all began with a quick trip to the beauty store- Sally’s. Tired of my wavy, frizzy hair- I was determined in getting my hair nice enough to be appealing to the eye. While looking at the broad selection of straightening irons, I could not help but gravitate towards the curling irons. From 1/2 inchContinue reading “Blog Post #6- Analyze Experiences”

Blog Post 2: Facts vs. Insights

There is confusion at times when it comes to identifying the key difference between the meanings of the words “facts” and “insights”. Now what is exactly a fact? Merriam Webster defines a fact as “something that has actual existence; a true piece of information”. On the other hand, an insight is defined as “the abilityContinue reading “Blog Post 2: Facts vs. Insights”

Analyze Communications: Toaster Strudel Commercial

The insight behind the communication of this commercial is that Toaster Strudels are not only yummy but they are “fun to eat.” The ad resonates with me because it is something I remember doing as a kid as well when viewing this commercial. I relate to the fact that I would relish in joy when I could eat aContinue reading “Analyze Communications: Toaster Strudel Commercial”

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